

Exercises guardianship on behalf of the Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) to protect the well-being, rights, and welfare of people who are determined by the court to be in need of supervision, protection, or assistance, and lack the active assistance of a family member or private guardian. The program also provides Representative Payee Services to persons receiving and managing Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), whether they are under public guardianship, or as an effective alternative to guardianship. Representative Payee Services will arrange for public benefit checks (usually Social Security or SSI) to be sent to a public agency, nonprofit organization, bank, relative or other individual who has been appointed under federal law to act as a surrogate for recipients in situations where they have a cognitive impairment and are unable to manage their own funds. Note: There is no public guardianship in Vermont for individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 with mental disabilities other than a developmental disability. Petitions are available on the Vermont Judiciary website, or by telephone through the appropriate State's Attorney or Probate Court.

Last Assured


Physical Address

Hc2 South, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2030


Administrative Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:45am-4:30pm; 24-Hour Emergency Public Guardianship Phone Line; Website: 24Hours/7Days


(802) 241-0410

Application process

Petitions for Guardianship Services for adults with a developmental disability must be filled out and delivered to the State's Attorney's office in the county where the person is living; Petitions for adults age 60 and over who lack decision-making capacity are filed in the Probate Court in the county where the person is living


Adults Age 18 and Older with a diagnosis of developmental disability (DD); Adults Age 60 and Older who lack decision-making capacity and have been placed under Guardianship by a court order, require assistance with basic life decisions, and for whom a suitable and willing private guardian cannot be found

Service area


Agency info


The Vermont Department of Aging, Disability and Independent Living (DAIL) - Developmental Disabilities Services Division assists children, adolescents, and adults who have a developmental disability to live, attend school, work, and participate in recreational activities in their communities.