

Offers a social enterprise program that provides training in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Services. Trainees participate in an initial classroom component before moving into a working kitchen that prepares and provides a meal site meal and meals-on-wheels packaged meal for senior citizens. Participants also make and market Dolcetti, an Italian gelato, as well as other frozen desserts, offering an opportunity to participate in all aspects of business development. Cornucopia is based in Derby, but accepts participants from all three counties of the Northeast Kingdom.

Last Assured


Physical Address

79 Coventry Street, Newport, VT 05855


Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm


(802) 334-0148

Other | Also After-hours Crisis Line

Application process

By Telephone; Referral Required


Women Age 18 and Older who are transitioning from unsafe or unsustainable living conditions who need extra support in developing marketable job skills; This may include formerly incarcerated women, women leaving abusive partners, women in recovery, and other life-changing situations; Participants will be referred by their case managers or advocates who will continue to provide support in removing barriers to employment.

Service area

Essex County, Vermont Orleans County, Vermont Caledonia County, Vermont

Agency info


Umbrella is a non-profit domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention organization providing a 24-hour crisis hotline, a violence prevention warmline, individual advocacy, emergency shelter, and assistance with filing relief from abuse orders in Caledonia, Essex and Orleans Counties. Umbrella also provides community information and education around issues of domestic and sexual violence, including human trafficking, and provides a supervised visitation program. Umbrella's Kingdom Child Care Connection offers child care resource and referral services to Caledonia, Essex and Orleans Counties and its Cornucopia program provides a trauma-informed culinary job skills training program for women with barriers to employment.